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Cutting & Special Permissions

Due to copyright laws, any changes to the script require written approval from Dramatic Publishing. Changes fall into one of two categories, cuttings and special permissions.


Dramatic Publishing defines a cutting as the removal of entire pages or scenes from the script. The remaining material must be performed in its original order, with no character or gender changes. The removal of individual lines from the remaining material is prohibited. All cutting requests must be reviewed and approved by Dramatic Publishing.

If your desired change meets the criteria above, proceed with filling out an online royalty application. The application will have questions about your desired cutting. If approved, a cutting license will be issued after a cast quantity of scripts is purchased. The license will be accessible in your online account. Please note that not all titles are available for cutting.

Special Permissions

Any other changes to the script are defined as a special permission. All special requests must be reviewed and approved by Dramatic Publishing. Common change requests include:

  • Removing curse words or swearing
  • Removing an inappropriate action
  • Removing or changing specific lines of dialogue
  • Performing a musical play without the music
  • Combining or splitting roles to have less or more characters
  • Changing the gender of one or more characters
  • Changing an offstage voice to an onstage character
  • Removing or changing a reference to God or other deity

Please note the following before submitting your request:

  • Dialogue and characters cannot be added.
  • Changes may not affect the context or cultural overtones of the play or subvert the playwright's intent.
  • If the play is a dramatization of a screenplay or novel, you cannot add additional characters, music or dialogue from that screenplay or book.
  • If a play is not written as a musical, it cannot be changed into one by the addition of musical numbers.
  • With very few exceptions, a musical may not be performed as a play without music. If you wish to cut any or all of the music from the musical, please be advised that it is unlikely the request will be granted.

Please submit your request as early as possible. It can take up to eight weeks or longer for some approvals if the request requires the playwright's approval.

You may request approval for special permissions by completing an online royalty application and including the details of your request.