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Producing a Play 101

Selecting and producing your play should be a fun and exciting experience. These step by step guidelines will help ensure a smooth and successful event! Please note these guidelines are applicable for K-12 schools, colleges, universities and other amateur organizations. Steps may vary for professional theatres.

The majority of our non-musical plays do not have accompanying music or A/V items for purchase or rental. If rented materials are available for a title, you will see a black button labelled "Rental Information" on the right side of the product page. Please follow the guide on the Producing a Musical 101 page if you are interested in a title with rental materials.

Step 1. Select the title you would like to perform.

  • Dramatic Publishing has a no return policy for purchased scripts. We recommend purchasing a single copy for perusal before ordering enough for your full cast.
  • Most titles also have a brief excerpt available online. On the product page, click the green button next to the synopsis to view a pdf.

Step 2. Complete an online performance application and generate a quote.

  • All performances before an audience are subject to royalty. This is how authors are paid for their works. Regardless of whether you are charging for performances, the author must be compensated.
  • Quotes are valid for 180 days after the date they are created.

Step 3. Purchase a cast quantity of scripts and receive your performance license.

  • Cast size requirements are provided on the product page for every title.
  • A permission to photocopy form will be issued for titles available in manuscript form only.
  • Payment is due at time of purchase for individuals not associated with an organization.
  • Organizations will be billed and have 30 days to complete payment.

Please note: We've gone green! Invoices are EMAILED ONLY to the email address of the account holder. Paper invoices are NOT sent to the billing address on file. It is the responsibility of the account holder to provide copies of the invoice to the accounts payable department of your organization.

The account holder can always obtain an invoice through their online account. Once logged in to the website, click on the name in the top right-hand corner and select "Order History." A list of orders will appear. Find the order you would like to review and click "View Order." There will be a "Print Invoice" button to the right of the order number.

Step 4. Rehearse and Perform your show!

Step 5. Pay royalty fee within 15 days of final performance.