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Authors   >   William Cameron

William Cameron

Photo of the author
Photo: Becky Thurner.

William Cameron is a playwright, director, actor and educator. His plays have been performed around the country, including Theatre 40 in Los Angeles, the Harold Clurman Theatre in New York City, Source Theatre in Washington, D.C., and Curious Theatre Company in Denver. Cameron’s plays include Violet Sharp, a prize-winning drama of the Lindbergh kidnapping (Concord Theatricals); Truth Be Told (Stanley Drama Award, 2020), a drama confronting the mass-shooting epidemic; Every Livin’ Soul (Winner, Dayton Playhouse FutureFest 2022), a tale of Depression-era crime and redemption; and Criminal Mischief (AACT NewPlayFest 2024), a comedy about family dynamics. In his 31-year tenure as a professor ofCriminal Mischief (cation arts at Washington & Jefferson College, Cameron founded the college’s first academic theatre program and directed more than 40 student productions. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous films, including Hoffa, Lorenzo’s Oil and the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead.

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