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Frequently Asked Questions About Licensing and Royalties

We need to change our performance dates/venue/ticket prices. How do we make the adjustment?

Please contact our office at 1-815-338-7170 or email customerservice@dpcplays.com to make changes to your performance information. 

Why must we pay royalties when we are not charging admission?

Authors earn their living from the sale of their books and from the performance of their works. Regardless of whether you are charging for performances, the author must be compensated.

Do we have to pay royalties for school competition performances?

If you are performing before an audience whose members are not a part of your acting class or drama troupe, whether or not admission is charged, then it is subject to royalties.

Titles that are cut for competition time limits are offered at a reduced royalty rate. Competition cuttings of less than 10 minutes generally do not require that royalties be paid. Please complete a royalty application to receive a quote specific to your situation.

Do we have to pay royalties for a dress rehearsal?

If you are performing before an audience whose members are not a part of your acting class or drama troupe, whether or not admission is charged, then it is subject to royalties.

Do we need to submit a royalty application?

K-12 schools:

The royalty rates listed on our website and in our catalog are applicable for K-12 schools only. Schools must still purchase a cast quantity of scripts, provide performance information, obtain a performance license and make arrangements for rental materials when required. When no royalty rate is listed on the website, K-12 schools must complete a royalty application to receive a royalty quote.

All other producing groups:

Please submit a royalty application to receive a royalty quote for all titles. All groups must purchase a cast quantity of scripts, obtain a performance license and make arrangements for rental materials when required.

Can another theatre produce the same show I am licensed to produce in my town?

All licenses issued by DPC to produce our shows are considered non-exclusive, meaning that any theatre has the equal opportunity to license a show regardless of previously licensed theatres. While we will restrict licensing around large equity productions, this is considered a courtesy and not a contractual obligation.

We had to cancel our performances. How do I obtain a refund for the royalty fees paid?

To obtain a royalty refund for a cancelled performance, please provide the following information in writing (mail or email).

  • Invoice number
  • Title of the play or musical
  • Number of scheduled performances
  • Performance dates
  • Reason for cancellation

Please note that playbook, manuscript and digital script purchases are non-refundable.

How many scripts am I required to purchase in order to be licensed to perform one of your titles?

Purchase of a full cast quantity of playbooks or digital scripts is required to license one of our titles.

What is a cast quantity of scripts?

A “cast quantity” is defined as the minimum number of actors a particular show can be performed with. The cast size can be found on the description page for each title. Theatres are required to purchase a playbook for each actor in their production. 

If you already have playbooks from a previous production, you are not required to repurchase them. During the quote/licensing process for your new production, you will just need to indicate that you already have the required number of playbooks.

Please note that copying of materials is strictly prohibited unless permission is granted by Dramatic Publishing. For manuscript titles, customers will be issued a permission to copy form and granted permission to make a specific number of copies. For digital scripts, a cast quantity must be purchased in order to be granted permission to distribute a specific number of copies.