By Vivian Snipes.
Product Code: TU3000
Full-length Play
Cast size: Cast: 2 to 10m., 2 to 4w., up to 16 either gender. Puppetry opportunities for expanding cast.
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Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind's journey of discovery transports you to a simpler, earlier time of possibility and promise when amazing men and women accomplished astounding adventures! This highly theatrical tall tale is a narrative based in fact that includes embellishment, enhancement, enlargement and aggrandizement! (If it didn't, it wouldn't be a tall tale.) So let the thunder roll, lightning strike and the rain storm as Davy Crockett bursts to life saving the world from imminent destruction. When the sun gets stuck between two mountains, Davy will grab Bartholomew Bear by the fur, tossing him to and fro, greasing and releasing the sun. Head reeling and dizzy, Bear Backwards Bartholomew swears revenge, and Davy quickly skedaddles … only after falling in love with the power and strength of the sun and stars. Then the most fateful day arrives—the day Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind was born, kissed by the sun. Made of stars, sunshine and spitfire, she can outrun, out fish, and out wrassle all nine of her brothers (played by one actor or nine!) from the day she was born. But when relegated to "women's work" Sally Ann dreams of discovering her true destiny, says goodbye to her family and sets off on life's journey. Using her wits and wiles, Sally Ann survives the seasons befriending many animals along the way. Known for digging herself a mammoth cave, clearing the Cumberland Gap and defending her blue ribbon worthy pies from a passel of hangry alligators, Sally Ann is best known for her selfless heart and actions. As Davy learns, during a second confrontation with Backwards Bartholomew Bear, Sally Ann is made of sunshine and stardust. She can, and will, change the world for the better—one action at a time!