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Dramatic Publishing accepts original full-length, one-act and 10-minute plays of every genre. We will accept and consider unsolicited manuscripts of plays ONLY if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • We already publish one or more works by the author.
  • The author has one or more works published by another major licensing house.
  • The author is represented by a credentialed theatre or literary agent.
  • The work has had at least two, separate, fully staged equity or amateur productions within the past five years.  Competition performances do not count as full productions. 

Works that do not meet one of the above criteria WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Please Note: We will no longer consider any unsolicited musicals as well as adaptations of A Christmas Carol, classic fairy tales, folktales, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz or Shakespeare.

Due to the large number of scripts we receive, our current response time can be up to 6 months.

  • Unless we have requested additional manuscripts from you, please submit only one at a time.
  • Scripts should be typed neatly in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Standard playwriting format is preferred but not required. In this format, character headings are centered above the line in capital letters, lines are 1.5 spaced, and stage directions are indented and single-spaced. All pages must be numbered.
  • Include a cast list with specific character descriptions, assignment of male/female roles, and total cast/doubling. Please add cast-extension possibilities. Also include the set/technical requirements.
  • Include a synopsis of the play, its production history and/or photographs from productions, any relevant reviews, and any playwriting awards it has won.
  • Include your resume.
  • Include a reference letter (optional) about your production from someone within the producing organization involved with your production.

Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. Please complete the submission form in its entirety and attach all required materials in a single .zip file. If all required information and materials are not included, we will not consider your submission.